Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Directions please

Today Chuck called me with his crazy Estonian phone number cellphone. He was lost and trying to find his way home. I was in the workbox and naturally willing and able to help. Isn't technology wonderful sometimes?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's time for a new post

Another one will come shortly, but it's been awhile since the last post. We are still alive :) This weekend, we're going to DC for my college friend Andrew's wedding.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lasagne Night

It's been awhile since I made a good lasagne. Admittedly, I haven't yet tasted this one, but tonight is lasagne night once again. This particular batch has a mix of colby and mozarella cheese, along with the usual ricotta, cottage, and parmasean cheeses. There's also a full pound of ground turkey in there, as opposed to the typical meager half that I add.

I'll let Al comment on whether or not it was worthwhile, but it seems to be a pretty tasty picture to me so far.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pillow Fight!

In honor of World Pillow Fight Day, Downtown Los Angeles had its own once again in Pershing Square. I believe this is now 3 or 4 years strong as an event at Pershing Square, but this was the first chance I had to see it in person (admittedly, I wasn't too keen on losing a nice feather pillow to the war, so I was simply a bystander taking a gander into the madness!)

Attached is one shot... more to come. All of those feathers... so ruffled!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Street Smokehouse

I've heard my co-workers mention the Spring Street Smokehouse a number of times as a lunch destination, but have never had the opportunity to join them. Tonight, they made it a dinner occasion and I happily joined. The photo above isn't actually me or my co-workers... just a steal from the Smokehouse's web site.

All in all: delightful food, great prices, cool space. Oddly enough, located in Chinatown. I highly recommend it and will be back again.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Outdoor Cat Enclosures

I love when random ads come into my Gmail AdSense. Attached is a photo from the ad for Cages by Design, including a lovely model above for Outdoor Cat Enclosures. The kittens pictured are just adorable.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Phones

Last year, Al went on a rampage in his search and collection of vintage phones. Here is a small sampling of the collection (though only touch tones are pictured, there is an equally impressive array of rotaries that awaits around the corner).

In the right hand side of the blog, you'll see reference to the phone list. Our goal is to attach each phone to our internal VoIP network complete with its own number. We'll be updating the list as the project proceeds. Feel free to call in the meantime. Just not in the middle of the night.

Exactly my sentimonies

I was inspired by the sentiment even as I was overwhelmed with a fascist longing for a State Spelling Authority to prevent this type of atrocity from happening ever again.

Chuck's new haircut

Chuck's just a boy with a new hair cut. It's a pretty nice hair cut too.

Garden Claw ... Gold edition!

Where has this been all my life?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Our new comforter

The old one was called Bluey, a clearance purchase I made in 2002 from Bed, Bath and Beyond in DC. Bluey was a product (well, screw was... still is... just still is in the back of my closet) of The Pacific Coast Feather Company. I prefer to affectionately refer to them as simply Pacific Coast Feather.

As Alexi said the other day, any company with the word Feather in their name has to be good.

So, we decided to get a larger comforter. While we have a queen size bed, I'm clearly a cover hog, and there's no better way to solve that than a bigger cover. So comes the king size comforter and matching duvet, pictured above. I've been hesitant for months over the replacement, but Alexi has been cheering it on and touting the pluses for quite some time.

As such, below is a picture of the lovely creature on our bed. We haven't named it yet, but it does go well with the walls and the lighting. And, of course, it's nice and toasty.

As you can tell by now, I'm not the best at blogging. I hope that you've enjoyed my feeble attempts at doing so along with a picture of our bed and comforter.

Room with a View

Here's a picture outside of our window... March 22, 2009. Clear and beautiful mountains in the distance. It's good to have land.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My cat *is* pretty dirty

Jump to 5:10 for the set-up, and 5:57 for the pay-off.

Welcome to The Catbox

It's the Catbox. I do my little turn in the Catbox.

Welcome to catbox.la. This is our first post.